Pigmentation is an
ambiguous word that means different things to different people. Loosely
defined, the pigmentation presence of abnormally coloured skin.
Colloquially used abnormality is normal o pigmentation that's a
darkening of the skin.
Congenital causes of hyper pigmentation are moles, birthmarks one.
Acquired causes pigmentation include: Freckles, age spots, melasma & post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation.
The good news is that there are treatment options available to reduce or even reverse the majority of these problems.
The bad news is the man amaze the opportunities around, that's the right choice for the patient.
1. Pharmaceutical Creams:

Benefits of creams is that they are relatively inexpensive & easy to use.
Cons: Creams can take a long time to work and you can get somewhat discouraged by the apparent lack of progress.
2. Surgery:
not the awkward, painful feeling of cold steel against the face type,
but the more esthetic and inherently much less bloody with radio
frequency surgery. This method is most suitable for moles & other
problems that lumpy skin tags and also darken over time.
It is relatively painless and it effect very fast. Usually 1 or 2 treatments would be all that's needed to remove a mole.
The advantage: Quick & tidy work.
The disadvantage: There may be a downtime of a few days, while the skin heals.
Nd: YAG laser is 1 of the best methods to deal with freckles, nevi, age
spots & even melasma. The added benefit is that lasers, by
stimulating collagen growth, can do more than just take care of
pigmentation, they also restore youthfulness to the face, reduce scar
marks, clear up wrinkles & open pores at the same time.
technique is popular in Japan, & it utilizes ion "run" L-ascorbic
acid & other pharmaceutical ingredients into the skin. Many
patients remark how it feels like a deep cleansing & how their skin
feels fresh, tight & taut after treatment, but to help reduce
freckles, melasma & post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation requires
that the patient usually 8 or more sessions before noticeable results
are seen.
In combination with Nd: YAG laser, iontophoresis gives remarkably good results.
Advantage: It's virtually painless & patients fall asleep during treatment.
Disadvantage: On their own, the results aren't as spectacular as when combined with laser treatment, multiple sessions are required.
may be pass, but many patients still swear by it. Glycolic peels can
help to give your face a "brighter" effect, helps PCA Skincare modified
Jessner peel with hydroquinone remove age spots & other minor pigmentation spots relatively well.
Advantage: Tried & tested technology & peels are relatively affordable.
Disadvantage: Not 'cool' factor and some people use the term "fire ants."
5. Skin Care Products:
skin care is the cornerstone of any treatment. Be it for a blast from
the laser, or after a month on the pharmaceutical lotions, skin care is
still important to complement the work started by the doctor. PCA Skin
Care is excellent skin care products that have worked very well for the
majority of the patients. In general this is then divided into
congenital & acquired causes.
From moisturizer to
vitamin creams that protect against sun blocks sera the investment you
put into your face with necessary complementary skin care.
Advantage: You end up looking better and longer.
Disadvantage: Your significant other may want to start using products to keep up with you.
6. Amelan:

The benefits are: Singing treatment and good results for melasma.
Disadvantage: It only works for melasma.
sum up, there is absolutely greater than or way to skin a cat, or in
this case, in order to help with the problems of pigmentation and its
different types, which responds variably to the different kinds of
treatment modalities key here is To find the right treatment of
Skincare - Pigment Of Your Imagination